What do you do when you can’t shoot athletes during a pandemic? Deepfake them, of course.
The year was 2020. Everything was awful, but advertisers still needed to advertise. We couldn’t shoot athletes, and had seen enough Zoom spots. So we did what anyone would. Use a technology we knew next to nothing about, in order to put our athletes heads on other peoples bodies. The results, were weird.
We continued the weirdness on social.
Meet “Sorta” Joel Embiid.
And who can forget “Faker” Mayfield.
Pandemic Zoom shoots. Am I right?
Through it all, we learned a whole lot about Deepfake, and just how crazy and terrifying the technology really is. Judd Stricker, our producer, could talk your ear off about it, and he will.
This project wouldn’t have been possible without the smooth stylings of Dave Laden, The Den Editorial, Lime Studios, and our amazing VFX friends at Tribbo post.